Film photography, for me, is about being intentional and appreciating the moments it’s about the journey, not just the destination. Much like happiness.

My journey with film cameras began when I turned 7. That day, my dad gave me a small camera as a birthday present. So, that’s how the ‘Вилия-Авто’ (Villia Avto) became my first film camera.

I shoot exclusively on film, medium format, and have a few old and vintage cameras. My everyday go-to is the Rolleicord V Model 2a, though I also use the Hasselblad 500CM from time to time. I particularly like the soft lenses of old cameras (Hasselblad is an exception here) which give my photos the distinct look and feel that I'm after. These cameras are fully mechanical and offer a tactile, immersive experience that digital cameras simply cannot match—that's my personal opinion, so don't be angry with me if you prefer the digital way of life ;). Having full manual control and relying on the Sunny 16 rule for exposure is a fundamental part of my process. Film photography is not just about capturing images; it’s about embracing the entire process—from loading the film to creating the final print.

Why Film Photography?

The results of film photography are different. Not better, not worse than digital—just different. I just happen to prefer its look and the whole process. The texture, depth, and character that film provides cannot be replicated digitally. Oh, maybe it can, but I like the originality. Why replicate when I can have the original? It’s a rhetorical question…

The process of shooting on film forces me to slow down and consider each shot carefully. Unlike digital photography, where you can snap tens and hundreds of photos without a second thought, film photography requires you to be deliberate. Every frame counts, and this necessity to plan the scene, to pre-visualise, or often get inspired on the spot is something I truly enjoy.

One of the aspects I love most about film photography is developing my films myself. This part of the process adds an extra layer of enjoyment and satisfaction. It’s a tactile experience that also connects me to my work. Film is a physical object. You can actually hold it in your hands, look at it under the light, and see the image. Fair enough - it’s a negative, but still, it’s an image. And that physical object, together with the emotions and memories, remains with you after shooting.

I could come up with a hundred reasons "why film," but the first one - I simply love it - makes all the other reasons not so important.

My Favourite Cameras

Rolleicord V Model 2a: This twin-lens, medium format camera is my everyday go-to. Reliable, built to last, light, small and fully mechanical camera that offers full manual control. I absolutely love it.

Hasselblad 500CM: Though used less frequently, this camera is a gem and a working horse. Known for its exceptional build quality and stunning image results, it’s a pure joy to shoot with… And the sound the shutter makes - pure music.

Read this Scroll to find out more about these two and my other cameras.

Embracing the Process

Everything that digital enthusiasts might dislike about film photography is what I love. Oh yesss… The lack of instant gratification - love that! It’s something I actually prefer sooo much. When shooting with a digital camera, you can see the results immediately. With film, you have to wait until the roll is developed to see the outcome. This anticipation builds excitement and makes the final results even more rewarding.

From choosing the film stock to the click of the shutter, and finally to developing the film, each step is a part of a larger, fulfilling process. This, believe or not, one of those things that also boost my creativity.


Film photography is my passion that actually does enrich my life. It slows me down, makes me being intentional and consider every shot, and allows me to turn my visions and ideas into images I want. The process, the cameras, and the final results are all parts of a creative form that I love so much.

Happy film shooting to you, creative soul!